No longer are construction companies fretting over finding work, but they are worried about finding skilled workers to fill the job openings. The challenge is mostly a craft-worker shortage. The majority of construction workers are skilled hourly workers. A survey for members of the Associated General Contractors of America shows the shortage is more pronounced due to the demand for roofers, electricians, concrete masons, and plumbers. GCL Experts will assist you in applying for the Green Card Lottery and help you make a move to America quickly. There are plenty of job opportunities in the construction field right now.
According to the U.S. Labor Department, the demand for these workers will grow faster over the next ten years than the overall job growth. President Donald Trump has promised infrastructure spending, which will, in turn, boost employment. Now the U.S. is in need of skilled workers to build new bridges and highways. The Labor Department has data to show the demand for masonry workers is looking to rise 15% by 2024. That is double the projected rate overall, 7%, of job growth in the U.S. Ron Brown, executive vice president of State Utility Contractors in N.C., said, “The availability of people, they’re just not out there. We have a lot of baby boomers, but there just aren’t enough younger people coming in.” Close to half of the companies surveyed reported they had increased the base pay for skilled workers due to the shortages. If you are a skilled worker and willing to relocate to America, contact GCL Experts for information on how to make this happen.